Rose & Crown Gains Responsible Tourism Silver Status

Quality in Tourism “REST” (RESponsible Tourism)


REST is designed for any business who wants to quantify their commitment to social and ethical responsibility, and who wants to demonstrate that commitment to their customers.

Although the criteria are objective, they are also intrinsically designed to adapt to our business footprint, to reflect how we operate as a business, against the market norms.

The fit-for-purpose scheme, widely endorsed as the first of its kind, measures not only the environmental sustainability of each hotel business but also our commitment to staff and clients, our Corporate Social Responsibility practices, HR policies and supplier relationships and is the first to be compliant with RFP processes.

Professional Recognition

REST accreditation is a ‘one-stop-shop’ mark of quality which grades our business on the way we operate and measures our commitment to be responsible, ethical and sustainable in everything we do.

The REST quality mark we display is also supported by an online searchable listing for people looking for sustainable providers.

Sustainability = Cost Savings

Being more sustainable and ethical in business can significantly reduce costs and overheads, reducing everything from energy and utility bills to landfill taxes and cleaning costs. We are continually developing relationships with affinity partners, identifying businesses who uphold the same sustainable standards and creating a network for partner introductions for mutual benefit.